Sending action and event data to the Google Ads Conversions API with Driftrock

Supercharge your Google Ads performance with the power of people data

What are the benefits of sending event data to the Google Conversions API with Driftrock?

With the deprecation of 3rd party cookies in 2024, it's now more important than ever to ensure your campaigns don't suffer from signal loss. As 3rd party cookies are progressively blocked further, any campaigns you run on Google Ads which optimise to a website action will see worsening results.

The Google Conversions API allows you to send events and actions to the Google server without the need for cookies, helping you maintain signals for optimising your campaigns.

What steps do I need to take to get started?

In Google Ads, navigate to Conversions and create a new Import conversion action, based on the events you plan on sending to Google via Driftrock, for example, valid leads or sales.

Head to the 'Connections' page in your Driftrock account, and click Connect+. Search for Google Ads, and complete the authentication steps. This connection will allow Driftrock permission to send data to your ads account.

Next, navigate to your Driftrock capture and select the 'Automate' stage.

Select Google Conversions

Click the pencil icon and select the Conversion action you created in Google Ads from the dropdown list.

If you want to send leads to Google based on validity data or custom rules, make sure you define them at this stage, then hit Save.

In Google Ads, you can adjust your campaign set up to optimise to this new conversion point, and Driftrock will pass data back to Google Ads in real time.

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