Driftrock Reporting and Tracking

How to get started with Driftrock Reporting and Tracking

You can use Driftrock’s advanced Reporting & Tracking to:

  1. Report on leads and actions across all sources in real-time
  2. Track leads through to a conversion (granular tracking of leads through to conversion by source, campaign, audience, ad, keyword, or anything else you decide to break down your reports by.) 
  3. Custom dashboards to optimise your campaigns and share with clients or team
  4. Understand where your best leads are coming from

How to set up Reporting and Tracking?

Each business and industry might have different tracking needs. Here is an example of automotive dashboard. 

Driftrock Automotive Dashboard
  1. Login or Signup to your Driftrock account
  2. Select reporting from the left-hand navigation bar
  3. Click on the add chart button and follow the wizard
  4. You can select from a number of chart-type options such as Funnel, Pie chart, Scorecard, Table and Timeseries
  5. Configure the settings and click on save

For any more questions, feel free to click on the intercom chat bubble or contact us!

Have fun exploring Driftrock! 🤘