Facebook Custom Audiences Integrations with Driftrock Flow

July 13, 2015
 Automate Facebook Custom Audiences with CRM

You asked for it, and we got your back! We are very happy to announce that we have launched new integrations for our Facebook Custom Audiences management tool, Flow.

What does this mean?

We created Flow so marketers who use the great product that is Facebook Custom Audiences, like ourselves, would have an easy way to manage said Custom Audiences.

MailchimpHubspot and Infusionsoft join Intercom.io and Constant Contact in the list of tools you can now integrate Flow with. Once you link Flow to any of these tools, you are able to automatically sync your customer data, segments, lead lists or mailing lists into Custom Audiences. This means the data will not have to exchange hands and be exported into CSVs etc, which can potentially be a risk to data security and privacy.

This way you can just create your Facebook campaigns and run them, without having to worry about updating your Custom Audience data each time. We do it all for you (and we do not store any of the email data)!

Interested in Flow? Give us a shout!

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