5 smart ways travel companies can use the Weather in Social Media campaigns

December 30, 2015
 Weather Triggered Ads

The weather has a commanding effect on the travel industry - It's blamed for delayed flights, canceled trips and changing sales.

However, used in the right way, weather-based marketing means more sales, and the chance to get creative with ads. Our new tool Triggers, allows marketers to target campaigns based on the weather. For inspiration, here are our top 5 favourite social media campaign ideas based on the weather:

1) Local ads

Triggered when sunny locally

2) Escape the country!

Triggered when it's been raining for two days.

3) It's sunny in Spain today...

Triggered when sunny in Spain

4) It's summer over in New Zealand

Triggered in Winter.

5) Catch the fresh snow

Triggered when snowing in the ski resorts.

Add weather activation to your campaigns today!

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