The Driftrock Platform For Sales Teams

Intro to Driftrock
The main goal of any marketer is to generate leads for sales teams in the quickest and most effective fashion, and most importantly be able to analyse and track those leads, so you know exactly what’s working. With that in mind you will be glad to know that Driftrock is a multi-channel lead generation platform which helps brands increase lead volume, lead quality and lead tracking.
It seems pretty clear from the description above that the common target market for us is the marketer, whether it be an in-house team or agency, marketing executive or marketing director.
Driftrock for Sales
However, Driftrock is just as beneficial to you if you sit within the remit of sales/client acquisition - we use it every day here in the Driftrock sales team! Let me know if this sounds familiar to you. You go into the office every morning and the first thing you do is check your CRM to see what new leads have come in overnight, or to see if any existing leads have nudged further down the pipeline. Something becomes instantly apparent, there’s no leads. Hmmmm maybe Elob from Tefla cars didn’t like your newsletter? Or maybe the lead you got from Mr Wong, who resides in Mongolia and owns a company called merketing, doesn’t seem to fit your ICP? I am pretty confident in saying lead volume and lead quality is a huge problem in your organisation.
There are numerous tools within the Driftrock platform which will make your jobs more productive and help you reach those sales targets. Firstly, let's address the issue of poor-quality leads.
Segmentation engine
We created a tool which allows you to break down your leads into anything you currently ask for. This could be the specific item someone chose in one of your lead forms or it could be the specific offer in one of your ads. The more segments you create, the more exciting your reporting becomes. An example of an effective segment could be: show me all the leads that the marketing team has generated on Facebook who have indicated that they want to buy in the next month, so I can ring them ASAP. Another example could be, show me all the leads generated from our webform which doesn’t have a number, so I can prove to my manager that even though Paul from marketing has generated me 20 leads, only one has a number!

Another neat tool within the Driftrock platform is what we call geo-maps, or in sales talk, where my leads are at. If you are lucky enough to travel to meet clients or regularly attend trade shows in your company Volkswagen Golf, then knowing where on a map your leads are in real-time is great knowledge to have. As we all know, the quicker you can hit up a lead, the better chance you have of closing that deal, so as soon as a lead pops up in your area, run!

Now, onto lead volume. Having good quality leads is great, but you need more leads to fill up that pipeline of yours. In an ideal world every lead you speak to converts to a deal, but unfortunately that is not how life works. In order for you to persuade the marketing team to increase media spend or try new strategies so you can get more leads, they need you to provide a use case. This is where the vicious cycle comes in. Lack of leads = no use case to increase spend = lack of leads.
End to end tracking
Driftrock has the ability to tie back your sales data and attribute it to the original source or ad it came from, so when you go to the people view on the platform you will see the entire journey of any given lead. Now you have the information of where a lead came from, the journey it took and when it closed, I am confident if you took this information to Paul he will boost the spend up, he could even use our Multichannel lead sync or Driftrock SmartForms to make his life easier! Although, don’t be surprised if you get a few more low-quality leads, at least you have our segmentation engine now!

In summary, if your job is to bring in more clients, whether it be in marketing or sales, Driftrock will be able to help with the main blockers; Lead volume, lead quality and lead tracking. We are trusted by clients such as Deliveroo and The Open University so don’t worry, it works!
Hopefully the stuff written above resonates with you, if so, book some time here and let’s discuss Driftrock in detail and watch your woes Driftrock away.