How to automate your Facebook Custom Audiences using Infusionsoft

July 30, 2015
 Sync Infusionsoft with Facebook Custom Audiences

If you use Infusionsoft, it's likely that it's the heart of all your customer email communication. But that's not the only place your customers hang out. There are 1.49 billion active Facebook users each month, with 65% percent of those using it daily!

We are going to show you how automatically sync your Infusionsoft lists with Facebook Custom Audiences every 3 hours, so you can reach your audience in the Facebook News Feed..

This means you can:

1) Target ads at your existing customers on Facebook to increase conversion (go beyond just email!). 
2) Exclude your existing customers from certain Facebook campaigns to reduce costs. 
3) Reach new customers who are similar to your best ones using Facebook Lookalikes.

For those that don't know how awesome Custom Audiences and Lookalikes are, or need a reminder on how to use them, read Facebook's Guide first!

Once you know the basics, here is why we think automating Custom Audiences provides the most powerful targeting and retargeting tool available.

Why automate my Custom Audiences?

1) Save Time - Despite Custom Audiences being an incredibly powerful marketing tool, they take time to update. Automating this means you can do more with your Facebook marketing.

2) Scale Custom Audience campaigns - Automation means you can create Custom Audiences for as many segments as you like. For example, have registered, have registered and bought, have bought more than once, likes T-shirts, is female etc.

3) Run relevant ads - For the most effective (and non-spammy) Custom Audience campaigns, you need an up-to-date list. Updating regularly means you always show relevant ads.

How to automate your Custom Audiences from Infusionsoft

We've built a tool that makes this incredibly simple to setup. It's free to get started, takes 15 minutes to setup, and syncs your Custom Audiences every 3 hours!

Step 1.

Signup for Driftrock Flow here.

Step 2.

Connect your Facebook Ads account. We connect via Facebook's API so we can automatically upload and create your audiences.

Step 3.

Click "Create new audience" if you want to create a brand new automated Custom Audience, or you can click "Automate this" on any existing audiences.

Step 4.

Work your way through the short wizard. Choose Infusionsoft from the list of data sources and allow Flow to access your list to pull the data from.

Step 5.

Select the customer segment (Infusionsoft tag/category) you want to use for the audience.

Start syncing!

Hit Finish and you're are done! Your Infusionsoft list will now automatically sync with Facebook Custom Audiences every 3 hours.

Send us a message if you get stuck during the set up (just hit Support in the top navigation).

Have fun, and let us know how you get on!

Book a demo or Sign up to get started free.