How the Car Expert increased website lead conversion rates 4X

The Objective
The Car Expert is an award-winning company that publishes Expert ratings on cars and extensive plain-speaking impartial advice on buying and owning new and used cars. Over 150,000 in-market car buyers visit The Car Expert every month. The Car Expert challenged Driftrock to help convert more of their website traffic into valuable leads.
Using Driftrock lead capture forms The Car Expert was able to convert more traffic into leads.
The Driftrock banner lead form experience provided visitors with a smooth and frictionless journey where they did not even have to leave the page.
Similar to highly effective native advertising, these inline forms were customised to look and feel part of the website rather than a promotion, which creates a powerful seamless experience for the customer.
In addition to the above, the forms were quick to load and optimised for mobile devices along with desktops.
The decreased friction led to a growth in the registrations/signups/leads by 400%.

Editorial director of The Car Expert Stuart Masson, remarks, ‘the Driftrock forms have had a major impact on our lead solutions and membership sign-up positively influencing our newsletters, audience data platform and in turn our commercial revenues and audience numbers. Best of all, the forms are so easy to implement. A real quick-win for any publisher’