How to set up a lead form in Facebook (2022)

Find out how to create lead forms in Facebook and attach them to your lead-gen campaigns.

Watch the video guide or read below to learn how to set up a lead form in Facebook.

To create a Facebook Lead generation form, Login into your Facebook Ads manager and follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Choose the Lead Generation Objective

Create a campaign, then choose 'Lead' as an objective to get started.

Note: In ad set level, select "Instant Forms" in conversion setting.

Facebook Lead Generation Objective (Updated 2022)

2. Define your Ad set targeting and settings

  • You can use all the usual targeting that you want.
  • Lead Ads also work on Instagram, so we recommend using ‘Automatic Placement’ to get the best price, with slowest Ad Decay.
  • For the Bid settings, ‘Lowest Cost’ tends to get the best performance.

3. Design your ad creative

  • Lead Ads now has lots of options for creative formats.
  • Pick a format that suits your goal, but test multiple ideas to optimise your cost per lead.

4. Create your Facebook Lead Form

When the customer clicks on the call to action button of the advert, it will open the Facebook Lead Form wizard. This form is pre-filled where possible from profile data to save the customer time.

We’ll walk you through each option in the Lead Ad form;

Facebook Lead Generation Form Type

High intent vs More Volume
You have the option to choose a High intent or More Volume option in the form.

The High Intent form adds an extra review confirmation step to the form to make sure people understand what they are submitting.
This is a great feature if you’re seeing low quality leads, but it might be an idea to launch your first campaign without this step.

Facebook Lead Generation Form Intro

Although this is an optional step, we highly recommend adding it. It’s an important gate for ensuring people know why they are submitting their details and may increase lead quality.

Facebook Lead Generation Form Questions

Add your questions

  • You can select Prefill questions such as name, email, etc that facebook will populate automatically or add custom questions which can be multiple choice, short answers, etc.

Privacy Policy

With Lead Ads you have lots of control over your disclaimer, consent opt-ins and you can link to your own Privacy Policy.

Thank You screen

On the thank you page, you can thank the users, add additional information about the next steps (who will be in touch with them and when), and encourage them to take another step such as explore your website.

The Thank You screen is an important part of any lead form. You have a highly engaged user at this point, so make the most of that attention, and help them take some next steps or get to know your offering better.

You can read more about it: Facebook Lead Ads guide or Get Started Free with Driftrock!